Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Travel Log 9-8: And the New Winner is......

Rue!!!! So shoot me a line and I'll get them shipped out to you!
     In other news it's been a really good week. My best friend is coming to visit for halloween, the weather has been awesome and overcast/rainy, Hubby is doing great at his new job, and the munchkins are starting to get used to me being home with them. Despite that fact that only about an eighth of my brain functions before 10am I've hammered out a routine for getting the older kids to school and the younger ones up and fed, so I feel like a domestic champion!
    On top of that, this weekend I used the mad money I had saved up and bought myself some books I have been dying to have off of Amazon. And they got here today!!!
    I know a lot of people look down on llewellyn's, but I got their witch's calendar for this year and next year, as well as their spell-a-day almanac and can say that so far I really like them. The almanacs are an interesting blend of multiple personalities, paths, and insight and I like the variety. The calendar's, while not heavy on my preferred style of artwork, do have all the high points that I always forget to mark on mundane calendars already filled in for me.
      So yeah, things are on a definite upswing and I am thoroughly basking in it!


  1. I don't have a problem with Llewellyns's - i get lots of stuff from them.

    I do want to point out that the spell a day almanac can be gotten for free online at their website. It's not quite as informative with the extras but it does have the spells...just to say ya 10 bucks next year.

    And I ALWAYS get the calender. Always.

    Congrats on the upswing!

  2. Hey...I've been on vacation and extremely busy. Not able to get around to the blogs like I'd like. But I wanted to tell you that I like you new decorations over here...very cool! So looking forward to Halloween and I hope you and your friend have a grand time! :o)

  3. Thanks so much for contacting me - yay! I'll drop you an email right away.

    Love the new festive look here, and so happy your friend is coming for Halloween. I'm also a Llewellyn almanac fan. I buy their Sabbats and Magical Almanacs, and am going to pick up their datebook this year too.

  4. I so can't wait to see you, only a few more weeks. Look out world here we come....
