Thursday, December 2, 2010

travel Log 12-2: 30 Days of Truth, Day 4

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

     Probably one of the biggest things I need to work on about myself would be learning to forgive people that I never really met. I need to forgive my biological parents for not being different people and not keeping me. I can't know what was going on with them, or what the situation was. I was adopted the day after I was born, and it was arranged from a month before my birth. I need to learn how to forgive someone without really know why they did what they did to need the forgiveness. That isn't as easy as it sounds....

1 comment:

  1. Forgiving my biologicals is something I really need to work on too. I need to realize that they gave me the greatest gift of all, which is knowing that my parents would be able to take care of me better care of me than they could. It's something I really struggle with too.
