Sunday, September 20, 2009

Travel Log 9-19: I'm So Rumbly in My Tumbly!

So with Mabon just a few short days away, and Samhain tugging at my attention( thank you so much wonderful magazines and displays with awesome ideas that will make my kids ecstatic and my husband crazy- yes I'm looking at you Better Holmes and Gardens Halloween special!) I decided that I will have a great big last minute family feast. Only about 8 people will be coming, and I've recently found some awesome recipes for a great menu and some decoration ideas that I can recycle(with a few adjustments) to work for Samhain as well!
 So I shall try my hand at making a post roast with all the vegetables and pumpkin mousse served in little pumpkins!  And researching the season as I do every Sabbot( can never learn too much you know- true mark of a library witch, lol) it got me inspired to actually do some artwork, which if the tech gods are willing I will be able to post below.
This is the pen and ink version

And here is the colored version. The scanner did some odd things that I actually liked so I left them in.

Here is a nice Mabon prayer I "borrowed" from a Mabon ritual I found by Lady I think it would make a nice Blessing for the feast we shall have!

Ladies of the Harvest,
Goddess Mother,
Brighid, Goddess of Transformation,
Keeper of the Cauldron, Cerridwen.
As the balance of nature starts it’s shift
from Mother to Crone.
We look within to partake of the knowledge and wisdom you have given to us.
We call upon you to help guide the way.
Blessed Be.
Lords of the Harvest,
Great Father, Dagda,
Horned One, Great Warrior,Cernunnos.
Now is the time of the second harvest,
when the sun enters his waning time.
Before the last rays of light descend behind the night.
Illuminate our path to our inner being.
We call upon you to help guide the way.
Blessed Be.


  1. What a great idea! Our coven always enjoyed a big Mabon feast this time of year with fresh turkey, bread, veggies, and more. It is almost hard to believe that summer is transitioning into fall...

  2. I know, summer hardly seems over. That and we live in the desert with sprinkler systems known as California so fall pretty much is something that happens to other people.
